The reproducibility crisis in health and medical research
During the October's Gold Coast Skeptics in the Pub, Professor Adrian Barnett from School of Public Health and Social Work at QUT talks...

Inside human evolution fossil remains
During the September's Gold Coast Skeptics in the Pub, Dr Renaud Joannes-Boyau (GARG, Southern Cross University) takes is on a...

Navigating colds, flus and other bugs: a guide for evidence based parents.
During the August's Gold Coast Skeptics in the Pub, Dr Amanda McCullough talks about the evidence behind the benefits (or lack there of)...

Deliberate Clinical Inertia in the Emergency Department – how ‘doing nothing’ can be the best option
Usually when we go to the doctor with a problem, we expect to get treatment - whether it be tests, a treatment, procedure, something -...

Human origins in Sunda and Sahul.
During the May GC Skeptics in the Pub, Dr Michael Westaway gives a fascinating talk on human evolution in Australia and south east Asia...

Holistic Dentistry - poppycock or panacea?
During April's GC Skeptics in the Pub, Michael Foley take us on a journey through the not-so-wonderful world of woo that has infiltrated...

The Obesity Paradox: Survival benefit or statistical fallacy?
During our March Gold Coast Skeptics in the Pub, the Diet Skeptic Mandy-Lee Noble explores the evidence behind the obesity paradox and...

Darwin Day Celebration
On the 11th Feb we celebrated Darwin Day with the Brisbane Skeptical Society at the Moorooka Community Center. The mission of...

Over-medicated? Why most pills are less useful than we assume.
Date: 27th Nov 2017 Speaker:Dr Justin Coleman (Brisbane GP, producer of GP Sceptics podcast, editor of Diabetes Management Journal,...

Sustainability and climate change - why is the science sidelined?
Speaker: Associate Professor Michael Howes (Griffith University) Title: Sustainability and climate change - why is the science sidelined?...